The One Where I Make Gingerbead Autumn Cookies.

Hey everyone,

I've had a few really crap days hence the no 'Positive Tuesdays' post because quite frankly even though the whole point is the pick the best parts out of the week, I just couldn't. I could not sit down and do that yesterday and I am sorry for my negative vibes.

Today I took my mind off of things and saw my mum then came home to bake some Gingerbread Cookies with the cookie cutters I purchased earlier in the day!

I used a recipe from BBC Goodf Food, as per usual I always go there for recipes.

£2.49 from TKMaxx

They turned out really nice, gooey in the middle! They're so cute for Autumn, and you know me, I LOVE AUTUMN. TKMaxx had loads of sweet Halloween cookie cutters too so I shall be going there shortly to purchase some more. 

It's so nice living in my own little house doing some baking, I was adulting so hard. I also iced them (badly) and put cinnamon in the icing, Autumn was all up in my face. 

Let me see your seasonal cookies if you've done any! 

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