My love for McFly has been around since the very start, I was only a small girl myself when my life started to revolve around them. Although they have already had a greatest hits album a few years ago (a little too early in my opinion) they have another coming out soon. On this album is their new single 'Love Is Easy'. It is the cutest song around at the moment, I can't really put into words how cute it is! To add onto that, the video is just as cute. We see the boys all grown up and giving us snippets of their past - them posing in front of large canvases which are painted like their past album covers. It all makes fans of theirs think about how far they have truly come and at the end of the video their is a sign saying "for the fans" and this for sure will mean a lot to the fans.
From Room On The Third Floor to this new album we've seen them change a lot. They are grown up now but they're still the boys that their long lasting fans love.
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