Positive Tuesdays: Week Three.

Hiiiiiii everyone! How are you doing? It's quite a miracle that I have actually committed to doing this 'Positive Tuesdays' for a 3rd week running, well done me, I deserve a pat on the back for doing such a simple task, gosh!

It's been quite a week for me if I'm honest, anxieties and such were all over the place but all quite valid if I'm honest - I leave for London on Saturday! And with that my mum wasn't well, neither was I at the beginning of last week so it's all been a little bit crap but why would I possibly dwell on the negatives on a post like this?! Ignore all of that I'm about to talk about my good thing for the week!

I GOT MY BRACES OFF. Yes, that's right, 18 months of getting forbidden foods like hard sweets stuck in my braces has paid off and I am here with a good set of teeth. Lookin' pretty fresh if I do say so myself! I can't even get used to the fact that I can actually bite into foods without pulling it all apart first, it's going to take time to get used to that. I never thought my teeth were bad before hand, I just had a slight over bite and a tooth out of place but looking at pictures from before and looking at my teeth now, they look SO good! I'd post a photo but I must try to perfect my photo smile before I do so, you feel me?!

I've now got a few days left before I leave for University so if I don't post next week, you'll know why!

Have you had a good week? What's the nicest thing that's happened?! Let me know in the comments, I'd love to know!

Until next time


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