15 Festive Favourites: IT'S (ALMOST) CHRISTMAAAAS.

Hiiiiii! It's kinda, almost Christmas so I wanted to get into the spirit and after watching Tom Fletcher from McFly's v festive video I thought I'd join in (but not on video, I'm not at that level) here we go!

1. Festive food
Pigs in blankets rule so hard and so do parsnips, one year I think my mum forgot to put the parsnips on and I honestly thought Christmas was ruined. Not really, I could never be mad on Christmas even in such a parsnip disaster.

2. Reindeer 
Rudolph is the man.

3. Day of Christmas 
8, 8 mades a milking, weird but free milk in my eyes. NOT LITERALLY IN MY EYES BUT… YOU KNOW.

4. Christmas song
Last Christmas by Wham! When G Michael falls over in the snow in the videos thats when you know Christmas has truly arrived.

5. Christmas present 
I really love all the prezzies me and my brother get in our sacks every year, it's like the best part but he's moved out now so I shall be doing that all alone this year and I'm quite sad about this tradition ending.

6. Christmas film
The Grinch or Elf, I actually really love Christmas with the Kranks and the Santa Clause movies… I LOVE THEM ALL BYE.

7. Christmas cracker toy
A pen, not a toy, but essential.

8. Christmas cracker joke 
None, they all suck sorry bye.

9. Decoration 
We have a really sweet Disney wreath that we've put up every year and I love it.

10. Candle scent 
Cinnamon and apple IS Christmas.

11. Christmas advert 
Coca cola! My dad without fail every year says "funny, saw the coke advert… swear it's meant to be on after Christmas" and I have no idea why he says it but the first time he was dead serious, he's a special one.

12. Festive tradition 
Not a general one but a personal one, it's the way we open our presents, when we were younger it would take hours because my dad says for example "this present is for Shannon love from Nannie" or something then you sit and watch and go on to the next present and I LOVE IT.

13. Place to spend Christmas
Morning and dinner at home, evening at my Nannie and Grandads, boxing day with my Nannie. Always the same, if it's ever different I throw a tantrum.

14. Festive fact 
Yellow snow is really gd.

15. Snowman accessory 
Carrot nose, so ace, I wish I had a carrot nose.

There you go, do this yourself! Get in the mood for Christmas yaaaay.

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