Hiiiiiyaaa, how are we into double figures?! That means just 15 days until Christmas, I wish I was the man from The Grinch who does the countdown on the clock, he seems like a great guy.
Last night we had our flat Christmas dinner and secret santa gift swapping! The dinner was a great success I must say, me and Molly used our initiative after I was super emo about having no pigs in blankets (how is it a Christmas dinner without?!) so we made our own and I felt like I had transformed into my nannie. We had stuffing, carrots, chicken and potatoes alongside the pigs in blankets and it was very nice! Oh, and a massive jug of gravy, possibly too big…
Look at that jug of gravy, holy hell.
Me and Molly had each other for secret santa how cute, I got her an eye mask that says 'Fuck Off' from Urban Outfitters and she got me a book full of Nutella recipes because since we moved in I've always had a jar of Nutella and one time they all shoved their fingers in it and it was an awful day. But the present was very sweet and I can't wait to make some of them!
I was meant to go to class today but I didn't (oops) I felt awful this morning after my extreme lack of sleep so to refresh myself I went for a walk instead, got too Covent Garden and realised I was still too tired to walk any further so I got some mince pies from Marksies and came back to my flat. I just had a cup of tea with a mince pie to continue my extreme Christmas-ness.
Now I'm going to go over my essays, potentially submit them tomorrow??!!! Then I can start packing my stuff up for going home on Saturday, PRAISE THE LORD.
Have a lovely day guys!
x x
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