Day 15, wowweeeee that's 2 weeks worth of blog posts and I don't think they've been very good at all, haha oops.
I finally got a Christmas jumper, I am the proud owner of my first Christmas jumper, I feel like a new woman! I've never bought anything from Peacocks but this was £16 and it is quite fetching, I got a large because baggy clothes are the best.
I've had a few mentally challenging days and if my mum is reading this I'd like to say thank you for being the best, I love you lots.
Hopefully seeing some of my pals tonight which is nice, ahhhh I actually just feel really warm and happy inside because of Christmas and the fact I'm at home - don't tell anyone, but I genuinely never want to leave again. HOME RULES.
Tomorrow I'm going to go do the last of my Christmas shopping I think, or I might delay that until Wednesday and do absolutely nothing tomorrow, my life choices are extremely difficult.
How are you doing?! Let's have a chat!
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