Blogmas: Day Five!


I slept through my alarm, I have nothing to be up for (my TV is also still not working, heartbreak Shannon) but I like getting up at a good time, sleeping in sucks.

Last night I went with a friend to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Londons West End and it was honestly so much better than I thought it would be. The acting was good, the songs were good, the staging was good - everything was good! It was just way better than I thought and it reminded me how much I love musicals and I now want to make a thing of going as much as I can, but I'm not made of money.

We walked through Covent Garden and all Christmas awards go to Covent Garden for making me feel truly Christmassy. Good Lord, it looked beautiful everywhere! So much so that I might take a walk down there today just for something to do and to get really emo about Christmas once again, if you're going to London or live in London and haven't been to see all the decorations then you must!

I might do some more Christmas shopping today, or simply leave it until I get back home (8 DAYS OH MY GOD) 

We're out in London tonight for our friends birthday, I've got a super busy weekend ahead but it should be fun, I think all my work is done for uni but not totally but just about and that's good enough for me! 

Have a beauts 5th of December everyone x 

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