Mornin! Blogmas day 4, keeping on track with this daily blogging thing aren't I, pat on the back for me. Although I'm very sick of this green that I keep having to put on the title, green sucks but what other colours are even Christmassy?!
Tv update: still very much not working.
Okay, currently it is 9am and I think I'm going to update this post throughout the day - I just looked up at the hotel across from where I live and someone was looking at me, now I'm quite concerned that the tree that I thought protected me from anyone looking isn't so good and someone MIGHT have seen my knockers in the past. Never mind.
This joke, funny or snowman cannibalism?
It's now 1:50 in the afternoon and I left my class after an hour because it was just not my cup of tea, I went and splurged on pepsi max, nakd bars and christmas presents instead to get me in the Christmas mood. Oops.
I'm off to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight which (hopefully) will be a lot of fun!
How are you? How's December treating you so far and are you enjoying these posts? Do let me know and have a nice day!
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